Tuesday, August 26, 2003

KB Definition - Enterprise Unified Process

An extension to the RUP lifecycle to include enterprise concerns.
The Unified Process is quickly becoming the de facto standard development process, also referred to as a software development methodology, within the object-oriented and component-based software communities. Is it sufficient? Ronin International, Inc.'s experience is that it isn't, in fact, by its very scope definition it is insufficient because we need more than a development process, we need a full-fledged software process. Enterprise Unified Process (EUP), an extension to the Rational Unified Process (RUP), is sometimes referred to as Enterprise-RUP or simply E-RUP. People familiar with the RUP can see that the extensions includes two new phases, Production and Retirement, and two new disciplines, Enterprise Management (formerly called Infrastructure Management) and Operations & Support.

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